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Currently reading

Before Jamaica Lane
Samantha Young
By Any Other Name
J.M. Darhower
Rat Queens Vol. 2: The Far Reaching Tentacles of N'Rygoth
Kurtis J. Wiebe
We Are All Made of Molecules
Susin Nielsen
Happenstance: A Novella Series
Jamie McGuire
Maybe Someday
Colleen Hoover

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Patty has read 75 books toward her goal of 140 books.

Althea & Oliver

Althea & Oliver - Cristina Moracho **I received Sneak Peek: Althea & Oliver from NetGalley via Penguin Young Readers Group (Viking) in exchange for an honest review.**

3 stars - This is based off of what I've read (aka, it's going to change)!!

What a lovely and interesting sneak peek!

Althea and Oliver has definitely sparked my interest. I look forward to picking this up when it releases so I can find out what is happening to Oliver! Althea is an...interesting character that I feel might bother me as this story progresses. I'm hoping she's not going to turn out to be really self-centred. Lastly, I'm curious to see if the author will give us the predictable ending or one that might make me cry...

P.S Amazon & Chapters (Canadian stores) has the release date set to October 14th, while B&N and Amazon have it for October 9th. Jealous...