**3.5 I don't know who I want to hit more, Phury or the Wizard Stars**Source: libraryI've been putting off reading this because I just can't stand Phury. If only I could skip this book o.O. Well, wish me luck!
03/10/15 Update: Lover Enshrined wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Was Phury annoying? Yes. Were there times that I wanted to just punch him or smack him senseless (not like he had much sense to begin with...)? More times than I can count. Was Phury a complete ass? YES!! But I some how did still in joy this a little, granted some of the lesser & Lash parts I found myself skimming through. My favourite parts always seem to have involved John, Qhuinn, and Blay!! I can't wait to get to there books! Overall, definitely not as good as the previous 5 books but still somewhat enjoyable.